For 10 months, you've been asked to do the impossible. You've been asked to shut down on a moment's notice—and then been allowed to re-open only under voluminous new rules. You've had to lay off employees, take out government loans, and police your customers. You've been imposed upon, taken for granted, and you are anxious and tired.
Now, you're hoping that the new vaccines will right the course. The only trouble is that public health officials all over the country are warning that even with vaccines, their mandates for masks, capacity limits, and outdoor transactions may continue indefinitely.
The City, County, and State have no viable plan for businesses like yours to fully re-open. They're willing to let your business die. Are you?
All over the country, business owners are finding a way to reclaim their life's work and thrive in these times. It requires a new frame of mind:
・Normal returns when you and your customers say so.
・Other small businesses are the most important allies you have.
・Your business should no longer be considered a risk to the community. In fact, it's a net positive.
・The law is on your side—when you learn to advocate for your interests.
We are a new, local health freedom group and we are your ally. We believe in your business and your future. We want you to know there's another way. And we want to shop at your store!
Soon, we'll be visiting your neighborhood with a positive message and information to share. We hope you'll welcome our efforts.
CLICK HERE to respond to our survey to let us know your level of interest.
The largest gathering of health freedom advocates in the Bay Area